In 2004, my family relocated due to my husband’s job posting. Being my first relocation,

I naively believed it would be as simple as arriving, settling down and picking up my career from where I had left off.

My experience on the ground?

I felt like a fish out of water and like an uprooted plant, all at the same time. Culture shock, language barrier, and new labels.

Spouses who relocate in a supporting capacity are sometimes referred to as trailing, tag-along or accompanying spouses. One feels irrelevant as a professional, leading to low-self esteem.

Accompanying partner challenges – from research


Financial Independence

“…I felt like I dropped off a pedestal…”


Identity Crisis

“…I don’t know how to introduce myself anymore….”


No employment prospects

90% were employed before relocation, only 35% were employed after relocation

Spill over effects of accompanying partner stress - Challenges to the spouse


of assignee and his organization


Deep stress is experienced by assignee.


Reduced productivity at work

Spill over effects of accompanying partner stress - Challenges to the organization


22% expat job offers turned down due to partner’s career


Assignment ends prematurely due to partner’s dissatisfaction

Value for Money

Incurring repatriation costs and new hire expenses to replace the departing partner