Bring out your inner superhero

If you are Kenyan, you probably received a message yesterday from a hardware store or supermarket where you shop, referring to you as a hero, and wishing you a happy Mashujaa Day. ‘Mashujaa’ is the Swahili word for heroes, and October 20th is set aside to celebrate heroes in Kenya.

You probably wondered what is so heroic about shopping, since after all, you shop because you need the stuff, right?

The thing is – you indeed are a hero. Actually, a superhero. I know what you are thinking now. You, my friend, are endowed with superpowers to sort out the world. There are many things in our world that need sorting out.

Have you seen people who do stuff, making it look really easy?  A piece of art, an inspiring story masterfully woven, green fingers working magic with plants, healing hands that snatch wellness from the jaws of illness —  people who exercise their gifts and make a difference in the world. They take the time to cultivate those gifts, exercising discipline, patience, and persistence among other attributes, to develop those gifts.  Some surmount crazy obstacles – including ridicule from those who think they are crazy. They are told ‘it will never work,‘ yet they press on until they get a breakthrough. Others are unsung, and they press on. That’s heroic. Their GAME is on, and they are taking it higher.

I am passionate about helping people bring out their inner hero and my favorite model is the Game Plan, which is what my book How to Design Your Career Game Plan is all about.  Below is a video of a conversation I had with Joyce Omondi-Waihiga on the Full Circle Show on Switch TV when she invited me there last week to talk about the book.

Bring out your inner superhero, let your gifts shine, and take your game to the next level.